Tuesday, June 1, 2010

so sew

I have been dabbling in uncharted sewing waters.
This is a skill I would love to develop more, so this project has definitely whet my appetite.

My gracious mother-in-law helped me buy the non-see-through fabric and told me which seams to sew first. She even folded a little curtain diagram for me. So I could visually understand how to sew the edges, hem, and rod pocket. So helpful!
I also received Bert's help on drilling into the window frame.
And then again, when it turned out the finished curtain was shorter than expected. :)

It's much friendlier than the dusty blinds that I always meant to, but never actually did, clean. I am excited to have more natural light in our new space!


  1. beki! first, way to go on the blogging. and "dwell" is SO you.

    second, congratulations on a job well done! what a beautiful picture of your lovely curtain rippling in the wind. way to go!

    and here's to many more sewing projects in the future! :)

  2. okay, maybe it isn't rippling in the wind (i can't tell if your window is open?)...but it looks great either way!

  3. "Sew So" I get it...and I think it's hilarious.
