Tuesday, June 22, 2010

thank you henry fonda

My ticket is up. I have been selected for jury duty.

It starts on my birthday, which I had had off from work. Bummer.

I am visualizing something like 12 angry men/the Veronica Mars re-make version. Humid. Controversial. Frustrating.

Or maybe just calling in twice a day and listening to an automated voice message?

In other news... My hair is 4 concrete inches shorter. In curly hair, that equals like 6 inches or something! Feels fun and summery.


  1. Yay! you should post a picture! Who ended up doing it? Do you like the cut?

    AND...I did jury duty for two weeks one summer and never got called in, so hopefully the same happens to you!

  2. almost ready to post pictures, but not quite. still working out a couple styling tweaks... :)
