Tuesday, October 12, 2010

you can say that again!

Quotes from the DG Conference. (Pictures and biographies found here.)

N.D. Wilson:

"God cares about the world he created. How can you KNOW God without noticing his world?"

"Jesus likes noise. Jesus also likes balls and spheres. ...And exoskeletons."

"It's tremendous that he loves us at all."

Kevin DeYoung:

"The mission of the church must be broader than the things Angelina Jolie cares about."

Randy Alcorn:

"The life of ease is deadly to the development of Christ-like character."

Rick Warren:

"Some people are so open-minded their brains fall out."

"You only believe in the part of the Bible that you actually do."

R.C. Sproul:

"He's just a fig-newton of my imagination."

"With God there is no room for improvement.
His perfect being is what makes sense of this world."

Thabiti Anyabwile:

"A fearful heart undermines a faithful mind."

"There's a lot of animals in this verse, but it's not a petting zoo."

Francis Chan:

"I was like a little girl at a Hannah Montana concert."

"Wow! I can eat pepperoni pizza to the GLORY of GOD."

"Some of you could be brilliant and worthless."
[If you use your knowledge to tear down instead of building others up.]

"Why do you learn? Is it so you can LOVE better?"

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