Sunday, April 29, 2012

Going to the Zoo

We got to visit the zoo with our friends a couple weeks ago.  Where Gwen lacked in excitement, I certainly made up for it!  She did seem to enjoy roaring at a horse, chicken, and bear though.  I am so impressed with the Minnesota Zoo.  They have made tons of improvements and changes since when I was a kid.

I did the unthinkable and forgot our stroller (assuming it was still in the trunk instead of checking).
Thankfully, God provided an extra in the trunk of our friends' car.  The day was saved!
Gwen is in the bottom center of this picture taken in the chicken coop of "Farm Babies."
We happen to love those boys in the double stroller.  So charming.
Aren't leopards truly magnificent?!  So creative.
My favorites:
1. playful otters
2. diving penguins
3. slumbering brown bears

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