Monday, April 9, 2012

Putting Sunscreen on a Baby...

One might surmise that sunscreen and babies are a good combination.  That's wisdom, they say.  Just buy a bottle, slap it on, and you're being a responsible and caring parent.  Well, I have learned there are more tips to consider.  And if you're interested I will share my mistakes for your enjoyment.

The learning happened during one of those 80 degree MARCH days. I couldn't bear to put something long-sleeved on Gwen, so she wore a dress and pants.  And here's what I learned can be expected:
  • no such thing as "sit still while I put sunscreen on you" to an 11-month-old
  • sunscreen smeared on pretty purple dress, oops
  • eyes streaming with tears from nearness of chemicals and bright sunlight
  • lots of subsequent eye rubbing (which doesn't help)
  • nose running from nearness of sunscreen on translucent, sensitive body
Here are some pictures of the recovery (after we finally decided to come inside for some comfort from Gwen's stinging eyes, running nose, and neck-constricting sun hat):

Poor baby!

Books Help

Cinderella Helps Too
I promptly sought some other Mom's wisdom on how I should handle the issue of sunscreen, now that I had encountered it's terrors.  Thankfully there was amazing advice out there!
  1. Get the sunscreen in stick form - so much easier to apply and know you're not missing any spots.
  2. Use the spray sunscreen for arms and legs.  Quick, easy, and good coverage.
After one trip to Target, I feel much more equipped for the months to come.
Anybody want a big bottle of baby Coppertone?

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