Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Florida: Days 3-4

Day 3:
Magic Kingdom at Disney World
Best rides: Peter Pan, Space Mountain, Pirates

The teacups ride makes me miss my sista


Waiting for Peter Pan ride

So excited to walk through the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse!

In front of the top room in the treehouse
 Day 4:
Universal Islands of Adventure Day (aka: rides for Bert, HP for Beki)

Best Rides:
(BERT) Dragon Challenge, Hulk, HP Forbidden Journey
(BEKI) HP Forbidden Journey, Cat in the Hat, Hippogriff Coaster, Spiderman

Walking into Hogsmeade for the first time = joy

About to enter the Hogwarts castle to ride "The Forbidden Journey" !!!

 P.S. The ride glitched while we were on it (our first ride of the day) and we were stuck in our seats in front of a bowl-shaped screen for a long time.  Bert guesses it was 30 minutes, and I guess it was 60.  But either way it was relaxing because the seats were pretty comfy.  Our consolation prize was a special ticket to come back later to ride it without waiting in any lines!  Overall, the ride/castle was amazing.
(My preference would have been less spiders and more Hermione though.)
Inside the Weasley Joke shop (it was so tiny)

Inside Honeydukes


Drinking Butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks


This is inside the Dr. Suess 'island.'  Very whimsical and the themed to a T.

Sweet room of refuge for aching feet

Our hotel had a neat interior

Coming home to Gwen (and Oakley) = BEST EVER!!!
 It was a fun trip, for sure.  We are thankful that we were able to 'get away' but it was a little harder than I expected to be away at times.  Philippians 4:13 proved very helpful - I can do ALL things through him who strengthens me.  So, anytime I caught myself saying, "I can't do this!" I told myself the truth about the situation.  Very helpful.  All things is a lot of things.

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