Wednesday, July 7, 2010

feeling stuck

i just want to announce that i am overwhelmed by this blogging thing. for all the classic reasons of being overwhelmed:

1. lots of ideas, but none started or finished; don't know where to start
2. unsure of what my blog motivation should be (for me? for friends? for family? stream of consciousness? spiritual? home improv?)
3. undisciplined in habit of carving out time for picture loading and blogging

i just needed to throw this out there. if anyone has advice, feel free to share. otherwise we could call these my 'growth areas.' i would like to be good at this, eventually. but i am realizing that there is a long way to go and trying to discern how the Lord would most want me to use this tool in daily life.

1 comment:

  1. OH, I'd love to talk to you in person about these sometime! I have some of these same "growth areas" and thoughts on some practical helps, etc. :)
