Thursday, April 7, 2011

Being Thankful

Yesterday I felt extra grace to have thankfulness instead of grumbling.  There were lots of moments when I would rather have been grumbling about being past my due date, but God was good to remind me that I still have WAY more to be thankful for.  Here are some items on my list from yesterday:

Turning this:

Into This:

A new lunch invention: tomato, basil, cucumber and feta sandwich!

Putting butcher block oil on our cutting board - a job that has been procrastinated for months.

Being able to take a nap here when the mid-morning nausea hit.  That blanket is the softest thing known to man.  Bert made it for me while we were dating. :)

Quality Entertainment

Chocolate Peanut Butter Chips for my sweet tooth.

TIME to straighten my hair.  I feel this ending very soon.

Delicious burgers a la Bert for dinner.

A fragrant gardenia to smell, from Mom. 

Humor. And a husband who likes to laugh.

A 40 weeks and 1 day picture!
Not everyone can say they have one of those!

Not pictured:
A gorgeous walk around Lake Nokomis.
Cookie Dough Blizzard with Chocolate Ice Cream!
Finding a cool verse about the early church: Acts 9:31

I am still longing, pretty much every minute, for labor to start (and end), and to get to the part of my week where I get to be a mom.  BUT in the meantime, I am begging for more grace to have eyes to see the constant blessings surrounding me.  Including the blessing of God's presence with me, all because of Jesus and forgiveness of my sins through him. That's my lasting joy.  Make it be, Lord!


  1. How did I NOT know about chocolate peanut butter chips? In my anguish I will down five more chocolate peanut butter egg m&ms.

    A blizzard after my own heart, except you forgot the reeses. :)

    Love that sweatshirt look. I'm sure it'll be the next fad.

  2. love it mags!
    (i did consider the reeses, but was in the mood to streamline my taste buds)

    also, i think investing in a maternity zip up hoodie would have been a good move in hindsight.

  3. funny! i'm not why i didn't realize you lived in MN!!! one of my best friends lives a block from Lake Nokomis. and I can say, I have one of those pictures! I was exactly one week over! Well you know the end HAS to be soon. And's a beginning!!

  4. Grace to you will come in an instant and things will never be the same! It is just right around the corner!

    Blessings, Katie
