Sunday, February 5, 2012

Mobility Skills: a work in progress


So. Close.

A Collection of Sweatsuit Pictures, 
because she's my first baby and I can't choose just one:

Classic Gwen: hands moving too fast to be seen.

And Clapping.

And looking like she knows how to crawl...

Oh wait, lets sit back down and look at books instead of work that hard.  (She takes that after me.)

Starting at the end of the book.  Oh no.  ...Brandes? Did you teach her this?!


  1. Ha! I do remember telling her that it's always better to know the ending of a book before you read it! :)

  2. I so enjoyed watching Gwen try her hardest to reach the squishy play mat in the nursery this morning. She did finally pull it to herself as the mat was easier to move on the slick floor than she. =) Gwen is definitely close to her historic mobility! I just love how happy she is and so content to play on her own with toys. You can already tell, this little girl has an imagination!!
