Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Like a Bridge Over Minnehaha Creek

Here we are at the outset of a date-night adventure. Bert planned for us to canoe Minnehaha Creek in our new and sturdy-enough canoe, Tubby, and then partake in a pizzalicious dinner.
We started our trek near Lake Harriet.
(Ben, I will have you note, that I bought new sunglasses.)
It was like a magical world tucked right into our city. Kind of Terebithia-esque.
The bridges were many and varied.
There were also lots of fast-water/small-rapids areas, but obviously they could not be documented with the camera since we were focused on paddling during those times.

Though Bert's good looks can be distracting, these pictures are showing the varied bridge styles as we passed under them.
This one was holding up the new and improved 35W.

This bridge smiles.
A nice hat for our Civic.
What a fun adventure! Thanks for planning it Bert!


  1. we've always wanted to do that too. We will have to do it, now that we are the proud owners of an indestructable canoe!

    fun to see Bert and the bridges:). Happy dating!

  2. As I'm stuck in a hospital work room with no windows, I'm a bit jealous. Glad you get to have fun dates :)

    I guess working the night shift is allowing me to read blogs at work, though :) The small joys...
