Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Book Corner: Baby Catcher

Book Corner: Baby Catcher
By Peggy Vincent 

What kind of read is it?
Easy and fast!  A light-hearted and well-written memoir.  I was totally hooked by the third chapter.

What insights did I gain from this book?
That birth is normal, fascinating, and doesn’t have to be scary. 

What did the author do well?
She did a great job with metaphor and riveting story-telling.  It was so fun to read the many birth stories with all their twists and turns.  She also did a great job helping me understand midwives and home births in a new way.  (I don’t usually take the time to read author’s acknowledgements at the beginning, but hers were really fun to read, just because of her writing style!)

What is lacking in writing style or story?
You never really know where it’s going next.  The best parts are all the birth stories tucked in along the way.  But she is telling a larger arc of a story about her career – it’s just hard to know where that arc is going until suddenly it’s over.

What will I remember most about this book?
Oh so many stories!  Maybe the one about the woman who didn’t even make a sound so no one knew she was pushing out her baby.


  1. are you doing a homebirth or a midwife?!!!
    Kristie J

  2. Yay! This is such a fun book, I am so glad you read it! My favorite story was the one where the guy delivered his wife's baby in the parking lot of their apartment on a rainy evening. He stomped on the placenta to keep it from floating away... classic!

    Heidi White

  3. KJ- I am doing a hospital. But I understand the homebirth mindset a lot more than before. Just hearing the stories about what labor is like helped me get it more.

    HW- Ah! I forgot about that one. So funny.
