Wednesday, March 2, 2011

35 weeks!

Here we are at 3:35 AM to do a pregnancy update.  Is there a better time?  I tried to fall back asleep for a whole hour, honest.  But I just couldn't do it, and various aches forced me up and out of bed.  So here I am in blog land.

Let's start with a photo!

  • It's getting increasingly real and exciting that we will have a baby around here soon!  I had my first baby shower on Monday night and it was SO fun to be able to bring home baby stuff afterwards.  It was also a sweet time of fellowship, but that's another blog post.  
  • I stopped working last Friday!!!  I will miss my co-workers, but otherwise I am really happy to be done.  It was getting more and more challenging to be on my feet, bending, and fast-paced busy while at work.  Also, the 4am wake-ups for my Friday shift were not getting any easier with my new sleep challenges.
  • I've been goal-setting for what's to come in my time not working outside the home and getting ready for baby.  It's been a blessing to think forward and try to make the most of this time with preparations and projects.  I also am aware that this time is for resting, so I'm trying to make that a priority when needed too.  I've been taking a half hour to sit down when I eat lunch, and often watch an episode of Sarah's House during that time.  My newest favorite show, thanks to Amy's recommendation.
  • Sleep.  Every few days I get an amazing night of sleep, which is like 8-10 hours in 4 hours chunks.  The other nights are tricky, achy, and short.  So when a good night comes, I'll take it!  I've started sleeping on what I like to think of as "pillow mountain."  Sometimes that helps, other times I redistribute the mountain half way through the night.  Or, like last night, my lower back hurt too much to be propped up so much.
  • Heartburn.  With an active baby that likes to play the xylophone on my ribs - this is a very constant friend.  (Or un-friend.)  The more pushing up from baby's legs, the more burning on Beki's shortened esophagus.  The good news is that I get days off from indigestion, probably about 2 each week.  And those breaks are so nice!  My best weapon against uncomfortable heartburn is drinking LOTS of water, all day long.  Strangely enough, celery helps a lot, so I eat tons of that.  Unfortunately that is the food most repulsive to Bert so I try to keep my celery-breath down for him.
  • Movements.  Baby Ike still moves a lot, and I love being able to feel specific body parts while he or she shifts back and forth.  There are also daily movements that feel like karate chops or dance moves.  I can't wait to meet this kid!  Most of the time though it's like I'm getting a tight bear hug from a very tiny person.  I know I will miss that when this is over.
  • Pressure.  Physically this is growing in every direction: down, up, and out.  On a somewhat daily basis I am getting the Braxton Hicks contractions (when my stomach feels tight everywhere).  They're not painful, and I don't always take note of them anymore.  I am just happy that my muscles are getting ready for the long haul we have coming.
  • Nervousness.  Thankfully, this has stayed a low level.  I have felt a lot of peace about birth, but it is something I have to continually surrender in trust to God.  I have known God to be faithful through so many life experiences and seasons, and I trust that he will be faithful to give strength and encouragement in labor too.  There is no predicting how it will go, so at this point, we wait and enjoy the lack of labor pains.  When I think about the upcoming challenges, I feel like the first 6 weeks at home with baby will be the trickiest.  We have to learn everything!  They will be joyful weeks, to be sure, but those are what feel most unpredictable when I think ahead.
  • Excitement.  There is a lot of it.  It's amazing to feel so close to this little one, but never to have met him or her.  I can't wait to examine real touchable fingers and toes.  It's absolutely incredible how complete this little life is already, while it's still hidden inside of me.  I picture the Father and the Son discussing human procreation and saying to each other, "that will blow their minds!"  Seriously, it does.  God is an amazing Creator.
  • Names.  It's official that we've decided on our top boy name and two top girl names.  And like my sister, I'm getting tired of saying "he or she" so much.  We will know soon which one it is!
  • Time left.  Technically I will be full term at 37 weeks, which is in two weeks.  That means that if I go into labor any time after that the baby is mature enough to be ok outside the womb.  That is two weeks away for us.  Two weeks.  (Speechless.)